Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency Preparedness and
Response Division Los Angeles County
Department of Public Health
600 S. Commonwealth Ave., Suite 700
Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 637-3600
(213) 381-0006 FAX
Public Callers who would like to reach the Emergency Preparedness and Response
Division or a report a public health issue may also call 2-1-1 anytime.

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The document is the product of a workshop held by Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Division in June of 2017 that brought together Disability, Access and Functional Needs (D/AFN) specialists from Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, Seattle – King County, New York City, the State of California, and FEMA to discuss and share best practices for integrating D/AFN planning during disaster response operations. The document is a compilation of technical resources that “operationalize” the concepts of health equity and Disability, Access and Functional Needs planning in the Emergency Operations Center setting. The resource includes legal considerations, ICS Job Action Sheets, Medical Needs Shelter Trailer Inventory Lists, and many more tools that have been developed and tested during recent disaster incidents.
Our Vision: Los Angeles County residents are protected from the public health consequences of both natural
and intentional emergencies.
Our Mission: To prevent and mitigate the public health consequences of natural or intentional emergencies for Los
Angeles County residents through threat assessment, planning, improved operational readiness, and timely response.
Southern California has about 10,000 earthquakes each year, though most are so small that they are never felt. (readyla.org)
Smoke alarms should be tested every month, and batteries replaced at least once a year. (redcross.org)
During hot weather, people should drink more liquid than their thirst indicates, up to four 16-ounce glasses per hour if exercising in the heat. (readyla.org)
Cooking is the major cause of home fires in the U.S. (readyla.org)
Space heaters are a common cause of fires during winter and should be kept at least three feet from drapes and furniture. (readyla.org)
The most common home chemical emergencies involve small children eating medicines. Experts say that taking hazardous materials out of sight could eliminate up to 75% of all poisoning of small children. (redcross.org)
There is no such thing as “earthquake weather.” Earthquakes can occur in any type of weather. (readyla.org)
The most common illnesses treated in the U.S. include colds and coughs, flu, sore throat, bladder infection, and more seriously, cancer, heart disease, and stroke. (readyla.org)
Each year, fire kills more Americans than all other natural disasters combined. (readyla.org)
During an earthquake, get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on. This will provide some protection from falling objects that can injure you. Doorways are no stronger than any part of the structure. (redcross.org)
65% of home fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. (redcross.org)
The San Andreas Fault is not a single, continuous fault, but rather a fault zone consisting of many different segments. Its fault system is more than 800 miles long. (readyla.org)
City dwellers may be at greater risk than those in rural areas during heat waves because asphalt and concrete store heat longer and gradually release it at night. (readyla.org)
Los Angeles County utilizes a Terrorism Early Warning group to constantly assess terrorist attacks and keep authorities and the public updated. (readyla.org)