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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health


LA HOPE - Families

Contact Information
For more information about the project, please feel free to contact us:

Telephone number: 213-639-6457

Luz Arboleda-Babcock, BSN, PHN  at

Diana Liu at

Frequently Asked Questions

What is L. A. HOPE?

L. A. HOPE is a project sponsored by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Our survey asks mothers about things that happened around the time of their pregnancy. Your answers will help us learn more about ways to improve the health of future mothers and babies.

Why should I participate in this survey?

L. A. HOPE will help us to improve services for women, infants, and families. To help us better understand and meet the health needs of Los Angeles County mothers and babies, we need each mother selected to answer the questions.

Will my answers be kept private?

Yes—all answers are kept completely private to the extent permitted by law. We will not ask women for their names, the name of their doctors, or the names of their hospitals. We remove any information that can identify mothers before we share the results with anyone.

Are these questions trying to determine why my baby died?

No - We are trying to learn about the things in a mother's life that may affect her pregnancy or baby’s health. These questions try to get the best picture of things that happened before, during, and after your baby’s death.

How was I chosen to participate in L. A. HOPE?

You are one of a small number of women who were chosen by chance to help us in this study.

Is the survey available in multiple languages?

We can mail you the survey in English and Spanish. If you want another language, let us know and we will call you to do the survey over the phone with an interpreter.

How can I get the results of the survey?

If you would like the results, you can check the box at the end of your survey. Also, you can tell us using the Contact or Results links.

The L.A. HOPE Brochure

What if I need help, have questions, or need grief and bereavement resources?

See the Grief Resources page on this site, or call us at (213) 639-6457.

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