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Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health


LA HOPE - Provider

Contact Information
For more information about the project, please feel free to contact us:

Telephone number: 213-639-6457

Luz Arboleda-Babcock, BSN, PHN  at

Diana Liu at


The purpose of the L. A. HOPE survey is to improve our understanding of why some babies have better health outcomes than others. As part of the Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) process, the L. A. HOPE survey provides key information about maternal experiences, attitudes, and histories for fetal and infant death cases in Los Angeles County.

All information obtained from the survey is stripped of identifiers for review by a Technical Review Panel. The Technical Review Panel consists of experts on maternal and infant health from a variety of disciplines. Using the case summaries provided, this panel provides preliminary recommendations about how to prevent the type of fetal and infant deaths found in Los Angeles County. The preliminary recommendations from the Technical Review Panel and a summary of survey results are brought to a Community Action Team. The Community Action Team not only includes experts in infant health, but also incorporates the expertise of local community stakeholders and policymakers. The Community Action Team makes and implements final recommendations to improve the health of women and babies in Los Angeles County.

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